This dataverse contains the episodes of the Portraits of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform Webseries with english captions. The youtube playlist can also be found at:
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1 to 3 of 3 Resultados
Nov 22, 2021
SEVERO, Fernanda M.D. (Dir.); ARANHA, João (Dir.); ROÇADO, Vera (Dir.), 2021, "Portraits of the Psychiatric Reform Webseries - Episode 3 - Barbacena - Faith in Life",, Arca Dados, V1
The Portraits of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform Webseries is the first piece of the Multimedia Installation Living in Freedom, 2020-21 and part of our resistance for the right to the city and to comunication. It brings revealing histories of the humanity in which the Psychiatri...
Nov 22, 2021
SEVERO, Fernanda M.D. (Dir.); ARANHA, João (Dir.); ROÇADO, Vera (Dir.), 2021, "Portraits of the Psychiatric Reform Webseries - Episode 2 - Paracambi - Possible Loves",, Arca Dados, V1
The Portraits of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform Webseries is the first piece of the Multimedia Installation Living in Freedom, 2020-21 and part of our resistance for the right to the city and to comunication. It brings revealing histories of the humanity in which the Psychiatri...
Nov 22, 2021
SEVERO, Fernanda M.D. (Dir.); ARANHA, João (Dir.); ROÇADO, Vera (Dir.), 2021, "Portraits of the Psychiatric Reform Webseries - Episode 1 - Juiz de Fora - (Re)enchantment",, Arca Dados, V1
The Portraits of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform Webseries is the first piece of the Multimedia Installation Living in Freedom, 2020-21 and part of our resistance for the right to the city and to communication. It brings revealing histories of the humanity in which the Psychiatr...
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